
1 avis

Maitre Khaled GOUSSANEM

Ajouté par avocatalgerien

Catégories Droit administratif, Droit commercial, Droit des entreprises

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Goussanem & Aloui Law Firm was established in order to provide the business community, with high standars, reliable and efficient legal services, is a great and safe choice for business clients in need of counsel in Algeria. Since our firm’s founding in 1999, we have been giving legal advice, conducting negotiation and pleading case in observance of the essential values of our profession: independance, expertise and loyality. Our relations with clients are founded on availability, transparency, trust and the quest for excellence, with the emphasis on delivery of real-time legal solutions tailored to the requirements of the case.

Corporate Services

    In addition to its traditional activities, Goussanem and Aloui Law Firm offers to the corporate clients, the following business services:

Legal Audit
Legal Update
Due Diligence
Corporate Secretarial Service
Debt Collection
Real estate

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